Water Treatment Solutions

  • Water Treatment Plant
  • Rain Water Filtration Plant
  • Ultra Filtration Plant
  • Demineralization Plant
  • Reverse Osmosis Plant
  • Softening Plants
  • Ozonators
  • Ultraviolet Sterilizers


The water treatment plants remove the chemicals, particulates, organic materials as well as other debris from the water and treat the water resulting in clean and potable water that can be used for cooking, cleaning, etc. The water treatment plant engaged for purifying water and making it suitable for human consumption ensures to prevent any short-term or long-term health risks for adverse impacts of the polluted water.

Process water is utilised in a range of production processes, including coating and plating, rinsing and spraying, cleaning, and so on. Because dissolved minerals in municipal and ground water might impact product quality and/or raise production costs, they are inappropriate for certain operations. These problems may be solved with the suitable incoming water treatment system, which creates the ideal water conditions for certain industrial operations.

Water treatment process selection is a complex task. Circumstances are likely to be different for each water utility and perhaps may be different for each source used by one utility. Selection of one or more water treatment processes to be used at a given location is influenced by the necessity to meet regulatory quality goals, the desire of the utility and its customers to meet other water quality goals (such as aesthetics), and the need to provide water service at the lowest reasonable cost.


  • Screening: removal of any large floating and suspended solids present in the inflow. These materials include leaves, twigs, paper, rags, and other debris that could obstruct flow through the plant or damage equipment.

  • Aeration: The water is supplied with air. This technique aids in the removal of soluble gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, as well as any gaseous organic compounds that give the water an unpleasant flavour. Aeration also helps to eliminate iron and manganese by oxidising them to their insoluble state.

  • Coagulation & Flocculation: Chemicals are added to the water supply to enable micro particles and small solids to stick together. Polyelectrolyte, ferrous sulfate, and aluminum sulfate are examples of chemicals used in the water treatment plant process to aid coagulation. Once water has been treated with the coagulation chemicals it enters a tank with giant paddles. These mix the chemicals and water together and enable the micro particles to form into larger pieces that are likely to stick together, making the sedimentation process in water treatment more effective. This process is known as flocculation.

  • Sedimentation: The large particles generated during the coagulation and flocculation stages separate and settle once the water reaches the major settling basins. This results in cleaner water for treatment at the treatment facility. The sediments settle to the bottom of the tank, forming a sludge layer that is later removed via sludge thickening and reused on the land.

  • Filtration: Filtration is the process where solids are separated from a liquid. In water treatment, the solids that are not separated in the sedimentation tank are removed by passing the water through sand and gravel beds. When the filters are full of trapped solids, they are back-washed. In this process, clean water and air are pumped back up the filter to dislodge the trapped impurities.

  • Disinfection: To eradicate any leftover harmful microorganisms, the water is disinfected. Chlorine, either as a liquid (such as sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl) or as a gas, is the most often employed disinfectant (chemical). There are other ways of disinfecting water (e.g., using the gas ozone or ultraviolet radiation).

Rain Water Filtration Plant

Water security is defined as reliable and continuous access to safe drinking water for health, livelihood, and development. In order to ensure water security, there must be access to safe and sufficient drinking water at an affordable cost to meet basic needs, which include sanitation and hygiene. With the development of modern technology of water treatment, rainwater regarded as clean energy has gradually been recognized by many people, and rainwater harvesting (RWH) and reuse systems have gradually been noticed by the public. Proper treatment of rainwater can not only save water sources but also reduce the burden on urban drainage facilities.


Rainwater harvesting is collecting the run-off from a structure or other impervious surface in order to store it for later use. Catch the rainwater from localized catchment surfaces such as roof of a house, plain and sloping ground surfaces, artificially repaired impervious or semi-pervious land surface etc. It is easy process to collect Rainwater and diverted into ponds, vessels or underground tanks to store for longer periods and to recharge by construction of Rain water harvesting structures in a suitable sites. Broadly there are two ways of harvesting rainwater, namely; surface runoff harvesting and rooftop rainwater harvesting.


Theoretically, rainwater is relatively free from impurities but becomes contaminated by pollutants in the atmosphere during precipitation. Presence and the concentrations of organic, inorganic, physical, and biological impurities depend on several factors, such as roof characteristics, meteorological factors, location of the roof, hydrological aspects, chemical properties of the substance, and storage material. Rainwater is slightly alkaline with pH between 7-8. Rain water consists of elements called Total Suspended Solids (TSS) that are not designed to dissolve. These solids include dust, sand, and clay. They remain suspended in water and cause it to become muddy or cloudy which leads to increase the turbidity of water. The turbidity of rainwater is usually greater than 50 NTU.


  • Catchments: Surface which directly receives the rainfall and provides water to the system. It can be a paved area like a terrace or courtyard of a building, or an unpaved area like a lawn or open ground. A roof made of reinforced cement concrete (RCC), galvanized iron or corrugated sheets can also be used for water harvesting.

  • Rainwater Storage Tank: The catchment water is collected and kept in a collection tank for further treatment.

  • Rain Water Treatment: Rainwater may contain pollution, animal excrement and other particles which are harmful to humans, plants and animals. Therefore collected rainwater needs to be treated before it is safe to use . There are two primary steps to rainwater treatment: filtration and disinfection using chlorine or UV light.

  • Filtration :

    • The first step of rainwater treatment involves removing sediment and small particles.

    • Rainwater harvested from roofs travels down a pipe into a storage tank or pit. Dense sediment will settle at the bottom of the tank.

    • Sand filtration assists with the removal of coarse suspended solids from water. These suspended solids shall be removed in the sand filter by passing through the five layers of graded sand present in the sand filter.

    • If rainwater is to be used for drinking, further treatment may be recommended in the form of carbon filtration. By passing the water through carbon, taste and odor are significantly improved and also discoloration to a degree.

  • Disinfection :

    • Adding chlorine to water is a simple and effective way to disinfect filtered rainwater.

    • Chlorine treatment is an ideal solution for rainwater that needs to be stored for future use.

    • Ultraviolet light is an alternative method of disinfection. It works by disrupting and damaging pathogens’ cells.

    • UV light disinfection requires rainwater to be virtually free of any large sediment. If the rainwater has not been filtered, 'shadowing' can occur, whereby sediment blocks the UV light rays, reducing the effectiveness of disinfection.

    • UV light treated water can be used immediately after it finishes treatment.

  • Storage facility: There are various options available for the construction of these tanks with respect to the shape, size, material of construction and the position of tank


Ultrafiltration is a low-pressure membrane technology that employs membranes with pores ranging from.01 to.001 microns in size. The process is used to extract bacteria, viruses, and high molecular weight chemicals from a feed stream, as well as colloidal and particulate materials. Organic and inorganic polymeric molecules, as well as colloidal debris, can be removed. Because ultrafiltration has larger pores and a higher permeability with fewer osmotic effects than nano-filtration and reverse osmosis, it may operate at a lower pressure and hence is less expensive to operate. It is unsuccessful, however, in eliminating ions or molecules of low molecular weight, such as calcium, sulphate, sodium, and magnesium chloride. Because the filtering is done for large molecular weight particles, the osmotic pressure difference across the membrane surface is insignificant in this filtration approach. As a result, large pressures are not required to produce high flux rates.

Ultrafiltration is widely used in industry as a pretreatment for other purification methods such as ion exchange and reverse osmosis, gelatin and protein concentration in the pharmaceutical industry, sugar clarification in the food and beverage industry, cheese and whey concentration, ultra-pure water production, juice clarification, downstream processing, membrane bioreactors, treatment of bleach plant effluents, and recovery of lignin compounds in the pulp and paper industry.


  • Assures Purest Form of Water for Drinking

  • Excellent Purification

  • Low operating pressure required (higher than MF)

  • Lower energy consumption than nano-filtration or reverse osmosis

  • Good permeate yield depending on the supply water and membrane choice

  • Constant product quality regardless of feed quality

  • Compact plant size

  • No chemicals required (aside from cleaning)

  • Disinfection is achieved by removing bacteria. UF permits viruses, phage, colloids, and macro molecules to be eliminated to some extent.


  • Dairy industry

  • Food industry

  • Metal industry

  • Textile industry

  • Pharmaceutical industry

  • Chemical industry

  • Wastewater treatment and recycling

  • Ultrapure water preparation in the electronics industry

  • Electrophoretic paint recycling

  • Beverage and juice production

  • Medical industry


The process of eliminating ionic ions from water is known as demineralization. While the word demineralization can apply to any water-purification technique that removes minerals, it is only used to describe methods that remove near-total levels of ionic ions. Mineral ions such as sodium, calcium, iron, copper, and others, as well as anions such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, carbonate, bicarbonate, and others, are frequent in water. Deionization and demineralization are commonly used interchangeably.

Ion-exchange is a fast and reversible technique for water purification in which contaminant ions in the water are replaced by ions released by an ion-exchange resin. Anion exchange resins and cation exchange resins are the two types of resins. Hydroxyl ions, which are negatively charged ions, are released by the former resin. Hydrogen ions, which are normally positively charged ions, are released by cation resins. The impurity ions are absorbed by the resin, which must be renewed on a regular basis to return to its original ionic state.


Ion-exchange technology may be employed in water treatment and purification in three different ways. Cation-exchange resins can be used to soften water via base exchange; anion-exchange resins can be used for organic scavenging or nitrate removal; and finally, a combination of cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins can be used to remove virtually all ionic impurities present in the feed water via deionization. The purifying process of water deionizers produces extremely high-quality water.

When all the exchangeable hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions of the cation and anion exchange resins get exchanged with the cations and anions present in the water, the ion exchange resins are said to be exhausted. Then they are regenerated using dilute HCl and dilute NaOH solutions.


  • Produces water of very low hardness

  • Good for high pressure boilers

  • Can be used to soften highly acidic or alkaline waters


  • Refinery

  • Petrochemical and chemical

  • Mining

  • Textile

  • Power industry

  • Pharmaceuticals


A reverse osmosis (RO) system removes dissolved particles and ions from solutions using a membrane. Pressure is applied to extract dissolved particles and ions from a solution on one side of a membrane. As a result, the solute is held on the membrane's pressured side while the pure solvent goes through. The polymer matrix in the membrane for reverse osmosis contains a dense layer where separation is most successful. Water quality and safety are improved using this technique for both home and industrial needs. To prevent membrane fouling/scaling caused by sediments, hardness, organic matter, bacteria, silica, or metal oxides, most RO plants require pre-treatment.


Below are the basic steps of an industrial reverse osmosis system :

  • Pre Filtration : There are two types of prefilters in reverse osmosis systems that filter out bigger particles like sediment and chlorine. The water passes through a sand prefilter, which filters out particles such as dust, dirt, and rust. The water next passes through an activated carbon prefilter, which binds to and eliminates contaminants such as chlorine and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

  • Reverse Osmosis : The water is then passed across a semipermeable membrane, which retains smaller, more difficult-to-remove dissolved solid particles. Reverse osmosis may frequently remove the vast majority of dissolved solids from water.

  • Drainage : The following phase is drainage, which sends the eliminated contaminants down the drain after the water has passed through the semipermeable membrane. Contaminants that accumulate on the membrane might reduce its efficacy, therefore this step is critical. The RO system's efficiency is maintained by draining the accumulated contaminants.

  • Storage : The last step is to store the treated water until it is needed. The storage container is often a pressurized vessel large enough to contain the treated water without necessitating waste.


  • Highly Effective at Removing Contaminants

  • Produce high-quality water

  • No hazardous chemicals required

  • Low maintenance

  • Environmental friendly


  • Semiconductor manufacturing

  • Boiler feed water

  • Food & Beverages industry

  • Dairy industry

  • Pharmaceutical industry

  • Lumber/pulp industries

  • Ultrapure water preparation in the electronics industry

  • Medical industry

  • Agriculture industry


A water softener is a whole-house filtration system that removes hardness causing calcium and magnesium minerals from water through a process called ion exchange. A water softener addresses one of the most prevalent and devastating water problems: hard water. Unlike hard water, softened water will not form insoluble scale or precipitates in pipes and tanks or interfere with cleaners such as soap. Water softening is thus indispensable in many industries, and small water-softening units are used in homes in a number of countries. Conventional water-softening devices uses an ion-exchange resin in which “hardness” ions trade places with sodium ions that are electrostatically bound to the anionic functional groups of the polymeric resin. A class of minerals called zeolites also exhibits ion-exchange properties; these minerals were widely used in earlier water softeners. Water softeners may be desirable when the source of water is a well, whether municipal or private.


The water to be treated passes through a bed of the resin. Negatively charged resins absorb and bind positively charged metal ions. The resins start off with univalent hydrogen, sodium, or potassium ions, which exchange with divalent calcium and magnesium ions in the water to form divalent calcium and magnesium ions. Hardness ions replace hydrogen, sodium, and potassium ions released into the water when the water travels through the resin column. More hydrogen, sodium, or potassium ions are released from the resin and into the water as the water becomes "harder." Resins can also be used to remove absorbed carbonate, bicarbonate, and sulphate ions, as well as hydroxyl ions from the resin. In certain cases, both forms of resin might be found in a single water softener.

A water softening plant has mainly two tanks, a mineral tank and a brine tank. These two work in conjunction to remove the minerals from hard water, monitor the flow of water, and periodically clean the system through a regeneration process.

Mineral tank: The softening of hard water takes place in the mineral tank. The hard water is fed into the tank via the water supply line. Water penetrates through the resin beads, depositing calcium and magnesium ions that harden the water. The water runs softly out of the tank and through the pipes.

Brine tank: It contributes in the regeneration of the water softening system. It's a smaller tank located next to the mineral tank. To restore the resin beads' positive charge, the brine tank carries a highly concentrated solution of salt. In the brine tank, salt is supplied in the form of pellets or blocks. These disintegrate in the tank's bottom water. The heavy brine solution is taken out of the tank and flushed through the resin in the mineral tank when the control valve detects that the resin's softening capacity is reducing. The water running through the machine will no longer be softened if the brine tank runs out of salt.


Disinfection is considered to be the primary mechanism for the inactivation/destruction of pathogenic organisms to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases to downstream users and the environment. It is important that wastewater be adequately treated prior to disinfection in order for any disinfectant to be effective.

Ozonation (also referred to as ozonisation) is a chemical water treatment technique based on the infusion of ozone into water. Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), which is one of the most powerful oxidants.  Ozonation  is a type of advanced oxidation process, involving the production of very reactive oxygen species able to attack a wide range of organic compounds and all microorganisms. The treatment of water with ozone has a wide range of applications, as it is efficient for disinfection as well as for the degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants. Ozone is produced with the use of energy by subjecting oxygen (O2) to high electric voltage or to UV radiation


Ozonators are devices that intentionally produce ozone gas. The electrical discharge method is the most common energy source used to produce ozone. Extremely dry air or pure oxygen is exposed to a controlled, uniform high-voltage discharge at a high or low frequency. The gas stream generated from air will contain about 0.5 to 3.0% ozone by weight, whereas pure oxygen will form approximately two to four times that concentration. After generation, ozone is fed into a down-flow contact chamber containing the wastewater to be disinfected. The main purpose of the contactor is to transfer ozone from the gas bubble into the bulk liquid while providing sufficient contact time for disinfection.


  • Disinfection : In many places where ozone is used primarily as disinfectant, indirect improvements in odor or suspended solids removal were achieved. Further easily bio-degradable compounds are produced from the remaining DOC (Dissolved Organic Compounds) in the effluent.

  • Oxidation Of Inorganic Compounds : When ozone comes into contact with cyanide, it reacts violently (CN). Because both nitrite (NO2) and sulphide (H2S/S2) react vigorously with ozone, removing them from the effluent is easy. Nitrite is a poisonous substance. Ozone quickly converts Fe2+ and Mn2+ molecules into filterable Fe (OH)3 and MnO (OH)2 .

  • Color removal : Ozone is a more powerful and a safer substitute than chlorine for color removal. The best results are achieved when water has been treated to lower BOD, COD and suspended solids (SS) values so that the ozone reaction is primarily for color removal. Color removal efficiency depends on the ozone dosage, the feed's color values, the wastewater type and temperature and water characteristics.

  • Improved coagulation & Turbidity removal : Oxidation of dissolved organic materials by Ozone results in polar and charged molecules that can react with Polyvalent Aluminum or Calcium to form precipitates.

  • Elevates DO in water : Ozonation elevates the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of the effluent. The increase in DO can eliminate the need for reaeration and also raise the level of DO in the receiving stream.


A number of water treatment systems can be used to remove microbiological contaminants that may cause illness. Ultra Violet (UV) light disinfection is one water treatment system that can be used to remove most forms of microbiological contamination from water.

UV radiation affects microorganisms by altering the DNA in the cells and impeding reproduction. UV treatment does not remove organisms from the water, it merely inactivates them. The effectiveness of this process is related to exposure time and lamp intensity as well as general water quality parameters.


UV light disinfects by entering microorganisms and destroying their DNA in UV water disinfection technology. Because DNA plays such an essential part in the activities and reproduction of organisms, deleting it hinders them from being active and proliferating. UV radiation (wavelength 240-280 nm) is also present in very modest amounts in natural sunshine. With the aid of high mercury discharge lamps, also known as UV lamps, the same energy is generated at higher intensities. When exposed to the right amount of UV radiation, no bacteria, viruses, moulds, or their spores can survive. As a result, UV is regarded the greatest method for water sterilisation, and a UV mobile steriliser equipment may be utilised for room sterilisation.


  • Effective

  • Environmental friendly

  • Natural

  • Economical

  • Safe & chemical free

  • Easy to manage


  • Wastewater Disinfection and Reuse

  • Centralized Drinking Water

  • Food and Beverage

  • Bio-Pharmaceutical

  • Cosmetics

  • Swimming pools