Wastewater Treatment Solutions

  • Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Effluent Treatment Plant
  • Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant


Sewage is mostly made up of water, with less than one part of solid stuff per thousand parts of water. In other words, sewage is 99.9% clean water, with the remaining 0.1 consisting of particles, which can be dissolved solids or suspended solids.

The process of eliminating impurities from wastewater and home sewage water is known as sewage treatment. To remove contaminants, it uses physical, biological, and chemical mechanisms. Its goal is to create ecologically acceptable sewage water (effluent) and solid waste (sludge or biosolids) that may be disposed of or reused. Sludge is frequently reused for agricultural uses, but it is also being utilised as a fuel source.

The introduction of contaminating elements lowers the quality of water from the mains, which is utilised in manufacturing, farming, homes (toilets, bathtubs, showers, kitchens, sinks), hospitals, commercial and industrial locations. Pollutants such as organic wastes, suspended particulates, microorganisms, nitrates, and phosphates must be eliminated.

To make wastewater acceptable for reuse or for returning to the environment, the concentration of contaminants must be reduced to a safe level, usually a standard set by the Environment Agency.

Sewage Treatment Plant is the machine that removes contaminants such as organics and in organics from municipal, domestic or commercial sewage wastewater. Depending on the type of STP technology used to treat sewage, physical, chemical, and biological processes are used to remove these contaminants and produce treated effluent that is safe enough for release into the environment as per government regulated norms or can be re-used for applications such as toilet flushing, gardening, and floor mopping.


Primary : Physical separation of large contaminants such as textiles, plastics, wood logs, paper logs, and so on. Floating and settleable impurities such as suspended solids and organic waste are removed

Secondary : Removing or lowering the concentrations of organic and inorganic substances

Tertiary (advanced) : The ultimate cleaning step before wastewater is reused, recycled, or released into the environment.



  • Screen Chamber Cum Oil & Grease Trap Unit

    Screen chamber Cum Oil & Grease trap helps to remove the floating particles from sewage and Laundry Effluent Screen with clear openings shall be installed to retain extraneous materials such as plastic bags, waste paper etc. from entering the Aeration tank. The frames will be fitted into the channel grooves. Screen will be physically lifted to the ground level for cleaning operations. A Fat Trap shall also be provided in the chamber where oil will be trapped on the surface of fat trap by providing quiescent condition & providing Laminar flow. The recovered oil will be disposed to permitted hazardous waste disposal site. After passing through the Screen Chamber Cum Oil & Grease Trap, Effluent shall be collected in Equalization tank.

  • Equalization Tank

    Raw Sewage gets collected in the collection tank. The purpose of this tank is to equalize, collect the raw sewage and to cater the peak loads. The Equalization tank is proposed with diffused aeration system, which is required to supply proper oxygen for our cultures. This aeration also helps equalization & mixing the sewage properly and reduces any chance of dilutions. From Equalization tank, the sewage is pumped to Aeration tank.


It includes various types of technologies.

  • Conventional Activated Sludge Process

    Activated sludge is a flocculent culture of organisms generated under controlled conditions in aeration tanks.

    The activated sludge process is a multi-chamber reactor unit that degrades organics and removes nutrients from wastewater, resulting in high-quality effluent. The objective is to keep the activated sludge afloat while maintaining aerobic conditions. A steady and well-timed supply of oxygen is necessary to do this. The bacteria use the organic contaminants to grow and change them into energy, water, CO2 , and new cell material in an aeration tank, which provides the requisite detention time and guarantees that the activated sludge and influent wastewater are fully mixed. Agitators or mixers are used in mechanical aeration systems to mix air and mixed liquor. Diffused aeration systems use pressurized air released through diffusers near the bottom of the tank. The flocs can be removed in the secondary clarifier by gravity settling and some of this sludge is recycled from the clarifier back to the reactor. The effluent can then be discharged to final polishing.

  • MBBR Technology

    Fluidized Media is a bio-carrier used to enhance wastewater treatment. Movable Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) Media is porous that is ideally suited for immobilization of micro-organisms essential for degradation of environmental pollutants. The concept behind the MBBR reactor is to provide continuously operating bio-film reactor which is non-cloggable, does not require re-circulation of sludge. This is an achieved by making the bio-film grow in smaller carrier elements that move along with beads in the reactor. MBBR Media are kept in constant rotary movement by the air diffusers. The diffuser constantly keeps the bio-media moving at the same time provides the required oxygen to the bio-mass. Apart from making the plant compact, the MBBR reactor employing principle of the attached growth process makes the plant more user friendly because it does not require sludge recycle. In this technology, the sludge generation is small in quantity as compared to conventional treatment process.

    The activated biomass developed in the MBBR Reactor will be separated from effluent in Tube Settler. The sludge from Tube Settler is taken to Centrifuge/Filter Press for solid- liquid separation and the Supernatant passes through Filter feed tank.

    The sewage overflowing from the outlet launder of settling tank shall accumulate in the Filter Feed Tank. Here the supernatant shall be dosed with Sodium Hypo Chlorite Solution. The dose shall be set based on residual BOD post tube settler and the presence of colour or odour if any in the sewage. From supernatant tank, it is passed through Pressure Sand Filter, Activated Carbon Filter & Softener.

  • SAFF Technology

    The Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Reactor (SAFF) is a low-cost wastewater treatment and sewage sanitation system that is commonly used in residential and commercial buildings. It is used to reduce the organic loading of residential and commercial sewage / wastewater, thereby lowering the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and a significant amount of Suspended Solids (SS) that would otherwise contaminate river and sea outfalls if left untreated; in other words, it is used to improve effluent discharge quality significantly.

    SAFF reactor is a type of aerobic attached growth treatment process. Small foot print area, stable process, lesser sludge production and modular installations are the key features of SAFF process. Essentially SAFF system is a hybrid reactor where attached growth and suspended growth activity takes place simultaneously.

    This technology utilizes an aerobic fixed film process that is a combination submerged attached growth and activated sludge processes.

    As with traditional sewage treatment, Submerged Aerated Fixed Films Technology too uses three stages of dealing with commercial and residential sewage / wastewater.

    Primary Settlement : Where larger solids settle into the bottom of the primary tank and are removed periodically as sludge, and where other buoyant material which floats upwards is to be removed usually by a scraping/screening method.

    Secondary Treatment: Where the biodegradable Organic Matter is degraded by the biomass on the SAFF media. Tubular diffusers are used with the SAFF media giving a good air dispersal and low level of blockage due to growth of biological film.

    Final Clarification: Where degraded solids are settled out of the biological treated effluent.

  • SBR Technology

    The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a fill-and draw activated sludge system for wastewater treatment. In this system, wastewater is added to a single “batch” reactor, treated to remove undesirable components, and then discharged. Equalization, aeration, and clarification can all be achieved using a single batch reactor. To optimize the performance of the system, two or more batch reactors are used in a predetermined sequence of operations. SBR systems have been successfully used to treat both municipal and industrial wastewater. They are uniquely suited for wastewater treatment applications characterized by low or intermittent flow conditions.

    The activated sludge system is triggered when sewage water is transferred to the SBR tanks. Following that, actions take place in a timely sequence, and the water is cleansed. The convenient sequenced actions are explained here as below :

    • Filling : Water purification begins with this step. The influent wastewater is pumped into the tank in this stage. The SBR tank is filled with water. The water must be sufficiently filled to maintain an acceptable food-to-microorganism ratio.

    • Aeration : This is the next step in which the reaction occurs. Microorganisms utilize the ammonia, nitrogen and Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD). The rate at which the treatment works is directly proportional to the sludge mass and time is taken for aeration. Not only this, but it also depends upon the level of impurities and the degree of nitrification.

    • Settling : The following stage takes around 60 to 90 minutes. It also depends on how many cycles are performed every day. The aeration ceases and the sludge settles at this stage, as the name implies.

    • Decanting : This is the next step which is itself a process. Decanting is when the effluent is removed from the tank without disturbing the sludge settled at the bottom.

    • Idling : Idling is described as the waiting time between the two filling cycles.

    • Sludge wasting : The sludge accumulates in the tank after all of the procedures are completed. It must be expelled from the system once it reaches the threshold limit.

  • MBR Technology

    Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are wastewater treatment methods that combine a perm-selective membrane, such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration, with a biological process, especially a suspended growth bioreactor.

    MBRs differ from 'polishing' methods, in which the membrane is used as a tertiary treatment step with no active biomass returned to the biological process. Almost all commercial MBR technologies on the market today employ the membrane as a filter, rejecting the solid debris produced by the biological process and producing a cleared and disinfected product effluent.

    A membrane bioreactor is essentially a version of the conventional activated sludge system. While the Activated Sludge process uses a secondary clarifier or settlement tank for solid/liquid separation, an MBR uses a membrane for this function. This provides a number of advantages relating to process control and product water quality.

  • ADOX System

    ADOX System based sewage treatment plant is used for wastewater treatment through the process of biological decomposition and drainage. It makes use of natural processes & proven technology to treat wastewater from household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry. A septic tank system has a relatively simple design. It is an underground watertight container (mostly rectangular or round) made of fibre glass, plastic or concrete.

    In an ADOX System, sewage enters the septic tank into a settlement chamber, allowing solid waste (sludge) to sink and liquid to rise to the surface. This surface liquid makes contact with oxygen and the organic matter starts to breakdown biologically. This liquid still contains sewage but in small enough particles to be carried through the discharge outlet and into the ground.

    Various components of ADOX System are :

    • Septic tank : A septic tank will be connected with two pipes (for inlet and outlet). The inlet pipe is used to transport the water waste from the house and collect it in the septic tank. It is kept here long enough so that the solid and liquid waste is separated from each other. It will digest organic matter and separate float able matter (e.g., oils and grease) and solids from the wastewater .The second pipe is the outlet pipe.

    • Settling Tank : The effluent pumped from final sump of septic tank to the primary settling tank. The effluent first passes through the flash mixer where the chemical dosing occurs to enhance the coagulation process in the settling tank. The effluent from flash mixer flows by gravity to the primary settling tank. The settling tank removes the suspended particles, inorganic material from the effluent which also reduces the inorganic and organic load partially.

    • Filtration : In the second stage, the pre-filter proposed for fine filtration of the effluent coming from the primary settling tank.

    • Advanced Oxidation System : After fine filtration the effluent passed through the Advanced Oxidation system. In ADOX System Advanced Oxidation is used to reduce the COD and BOD present in the Sewage Water. ADOX also reduces the organic load i.e. color and odor, also disinfects the sewage treated water which can be easily used for the Horticulture and Flushing purpose.


  • Sand Filter

    After the Filter Feed tank, there are residual suspended matter left in the treated sewage which contributes to the color as well as odor. These residual suspended solids shall be removed in the sand filter by passing through the five layers of graded sand present in the sand filter.

  • Activated Carbon Filter

    After removing the suspended particles in the sand filter the treated sewage passes through the activated carbon filter. The activated carbon filter contains the granular carbon which adsorbs the residual organic matter i.e. residual color and odor.


The liquid sludge is dewatered in Centrifuge by solid-liquid separation. The filtrate from Centrifuge is recycled back to bar screen chamber & thick sludge can be used as fertilizer. The treated output could be used for various auxiliary applications such as irrigation, gardening, floor washing, machine washing, toilet flushing etc., which in turn reduces on cost of intake water.


System is based on attached growth system System is based on sequential batch reactor System combine a perm-selective membrane with biological growth process
System is proven System is relatively new System is relatively new
Low capital cost High Capital cost Very high capital cost approx. 3 times than others
Need approx. 30 % reduction in space than conventional STP Need approx. 40% more space than MBBR Less space requirement, about 40 % reductions in space
Operating cost same as conventional system Operating cost is slightly low Operating cost is very high
Approx. Rs. 15 – 20/m3 Approx. Rs. 12 – 18/m3 Approx. Rs. 30 – 35/m3
Layman can operate the plant easily. Skilled person is required to operate the plant Skilled person is required to operate the plant
Treated water quality is colourless and odourless up to acceptable level Treated water quality is better than MBBR Membrane should be replaced within 3 years
Operation is easy Operation is complicated, need trained persons It cannot withstand shock load
All equipment and spares are local, so easily available Decanting system is imported, not easily available All equipment and spares are imported, so are not easily available


Effluent is generated in many manufacturing industries like textile, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, tanneries etc. Contaminated water, which contains both harmful and non-toxic compounds, cannot be discharged without treatment. Its release might contaminate existing clean water and have an environmental impact. As a result ETP’s are installed in most manufacturing industries.

Effluent Treatment Plants, or ETPs, are a sort of wastewater treatment process that is specifically developed to purify industrial wastewater for reuse, with the goal of releasing clean water to the environment free of the detrimental effects of effluent.

Depending on the industry, industrial effluents contain a variety of elements. Oils and grease are present in certain effluents, and harmful compounds are present in others (e.g., cyanide). Degradable organic contaminants can be found in food and beverage factory effluents. Because industrial wastewater contains a wide range of contaminants, a treatment process known as ETP is necessary.

The design of ETP depends on quality and quantity of wastewater discharged from the different industries and land availability. If the availability of land in your industry is less, then Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is preferred over Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).


The treatment of various effluents differs depending on the effluent type. Before entering the environment, wastewater enters the effluent or sewage treatment facility and goes through many procedures. The steps of an industrial wastewater treatment plant are as follows :

  • Preliminary Treatment : Its goal is to physically separate large-scale pollutants. Fabric, paper, polymers, and wood logs, for example. This level/process consists of :

    • Screening : A screen is a device with uniform openings and its purpose is to remove large floating solids.

    • Sedimentation : Removal of suspended solids from water using gravity.

    • Grit Chamber : Removes the dense inorganic solids such as gravel, metal fragments and sand which have made their way into the sewers. Removal of grit can prevent damaging of pumps & operational difficulties.

  • Primary Treatment : Its objective is to remove floating and settleable items like suspended particles and organic matter from the water. Physical and chemical approaches are employed in this treatment. It contains :

    • Flocculation : It involves the addition of destabilized particles together into large aggregates so that they can be easily separated from the water.

    • Coagulation : Coagulants (lime/alum/Poly electrolyte) are used to help small solid particles settle quickly in a liquid. It allows for particle removal and filtering by sedimentation.

    • Primary Clarifier : These are tanks with mechanical systems for continuously removing solids accumulated by sedimentation prior to biological treatment.

  • Secondary Treatment: The aim of this treatment is to remove the suspended particles and residual organics from the effluent from the main treatment. Biological and chemical mechanisms are engaged in this stage.

    • Activated Sludge Process (ASP)

    • Movable bed bio reactor (MBBR)

    • Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Reactor (SAFF)

    • Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)

    • Membrane bioreactor (MBR)

  • Tertiary Treatment : The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage to raise the effluent quality to the desired level before it is reused, recycled or discharged to the environment.

    • Filtration

    • Reverse Osmosis

    • Ultra Filtration

    • UV Sterilization

    • Chlorination

    • Ozonation

  • Sludge Handling System : The liquid sludge is dewatered in Centrifuge by solid-liquid separation


Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant is an innovative and truly versatile system for the effective treatment of wastewater, including Nutrient removal. It is housed in specially designed and highly durable FRP /MSEP tank. These systems are highly efficient and can handle domestic and industrial effluents. They are quick to install and require less civil work. They can be installed on top of a building or in the basement, and they are ideal for any site. Furthermore, they are easy to operate and can be custom-designed according to the client's needs.

Our Packaged STP is designed to bring the treated sewage parameters (BOD, COD, TSS, TN etc.) below the permissible limit which is stipulated by the Pollution Control Board. MBBR technology is used in this system.


  • Preliminary Treatment :

    The influent sewage water travels through a bar screen to eliminate any big debris transported in the sewage stream, such as cans, rags, twigs, plastic packs, and so on.

  • Secondary Treatment :

    • Anaerobic Zone: The first stage of PSTP is an oxygen-depleted anaerobic zone in which the particles in raw sewage settle while the scum floats to the surface. It's a zone where anaerobic digestion stabilizes the settled sludge.

    • Anoxic Zone: The sewage then enters the anoxic zone in which denitrification of the wastewater stream is accomplished. In the denitrification process, anoxic microbes break down to the existing nitrates, this results in the release of inert nitrogen gas into the atmosphere.

    • Aerobic Zone: In the aeration zone, sewage from the solid separation zone flows. Air is dispersed using air blowers, which promotes the growth of bacteria cultures in and around the aeration zone's floating plastic medium. The MBBR medium provides a larger surface area for microorganisms to grow on.

    • Settling Zone: The settling zone, where organic waste settles, is the next phase in the treatment process.

  • Tertiary Treatment :

    The secondary treated sewage is then passed through the Pressure Sand Filter and Activated Carbon Filter for the removal of suspended solids (TSS), colour, and odour. The treated water is then disinfected either using chlorination or UV sterilization before it is reused.


  • Residential and Commercial Complex

  • Hotel & Resorts

  • Restaurants

  • Industries

  • Hospitals

  • Temples

  • Township

  • Hostels

  • Public Garden and National Park

  • Institutions

  • Labour Quarters

  • Government Offices